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Following, Followers, Followed

Conan O’Brien recent started a Twitter feed and his number of followers grew rapidly!

Conan O’Brien recently started a Twitter feed and his number of followers grew rapidly!  But in typical Conan fashion, he chose to only follow Sarah Killen.  That’s it, one random person.  Of course, what happened to Sarah?  Her followers jumped from three to more than 10,000.  Now she’s an Internet star!

So Conan chose to only follow one of his numerous followers.  What about you?  Do you follow everyone that follows you?  If you are like us, then probably not.  Twitter is a great source for comedy (@shitmydadsays), news (@LATimesbiz) and everything between.

But as with anything on the Internet, there are rules of etiquette and dangers.  Always be aware of robots, scammers and phishers.  These are Twitter accounts that are created for mischievous or even criminal activity.  If they are following you, investigate them.  Look at their followers, see who they are following and read their posts.  If it looks suspicious, then block them.

Now for the etiquette lesson in this story:  While it breaks my heart that Conan will not follow me, I understand.  Celebrities, as well as companies, are on Twitter for promotional purposes.  Not to catch up with my life.  However, if I am following a friend or colleague – it’s only nice that they return the favor.  That means you Andy Richter.  No, not Conan’s former sidekick, the Andy Richter I went to high school with!

–          Chuck Brown

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