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That Sound Bite Kicks A%&!

Strong sound bites are critical to quotation in the press.  A sound bite is the key point taken from a longer interview, and it’s what journalists look for in including a quote.  When interviewing, it’s important to keep points clear and concise – but the best sound bites are often opinionated and creative.  And these days, sound bites can be emailed directly to journalists who are trying to obtain quotes on a tight schedule.  No interviewing necessary.

We are routinely charged with helping our clients develop media-worthy sound bites.  As an agency representing law firms and other professionals, sometimes we’re called upon to develop concise statements on behalf of our clients in response to a lawsuit filing.  We often must use words like meritless, frivolous and unfounded. 

We typically avoid humor or sarcasm, but CBS used it – and used it well – in response to the trademark infringement lawsuit filed against them by the Naked Cowboy.

“We choose to respond with the bare minimum to the plaintiff’s naked allegations.” – Classic!

Check out the full story here and let us know your thoughts on sound bite in the comments section.

–          Melinda Hepp

Blattel News