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I CAN Develop Business

Even if well thought out, a company’s business development plan can still come up short in effectiveness because of a failure to employ basic principles.  Achieving optimal results from your efforts requires awareness of how each program element – networking, marketing and public relations – is interrelated and interdependent.  Efficiency is also enhanced when these activities are coordinated.  A helpful tool is the “I CAN Approach.” 

I CAN is an acronym for the essential components needed to maximize the impact of business development plans:  Integration, Communication, Accountability and Notability.

Each element speaks for itself, but in a nutshell:

INTEGRATION brings together the basis focus of a professional’s business development strategy and ensures all efforts – from coaching to networking to public relations – work in tandem.

Once the essential elements of your strategy are integrated, COMMUNICATION among all of the resources on which you rely for executing the plan is essential.

The ACCOUNTABILITY of each member on your “team” is crucial. 

The NOTABILITY a professional attains from an effective marketing and public relations strategy can be significant.  Media is a powerful tool if used properly as individual expertise is communicated both internally and externally to clients, prospective clients and referral sources. 

Why not compound the impact of your plan through the I CAN approach?

– Ellen Blattel

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