The days are longer, the weather is warmer (at least in some parts of the country), and the flowers are starting to bloom. Spring is here. And with that, people across the country are watching their chore list expand exponentially. From cleaning the gutters to tackling that hall closet that hasn’t been opened since last year, spring cleaning season is upon us! So, in addition to airing out the mattress, take some time to clean-up your social media presence. Add the following items to your “to do” list:
- Start with the basics and check your Web bio on your company’s or firm’s Web site. Did you recently receive an award, publish a byline, get quoted in a news article, start a blog? Make sure your bio includes the latest and greatest!
- I never noticed your resemblance to a question mark (or sparrow). Just kidding, but seriously, you need a profile picture.
- Did someone try to contact you in person? It does happen . . . Make sure your contact information is up to date on all of your social media pages.
- Were you promoted? Congrats, now be sure to brag about it by updating your social media pages.
- Are you being followed? No, not in the FBI sense, in the Twitter sense. If so, are you following back?
- Did you know that Facebook groups can change their names? They can also be outdated. Do you really still want to be in that group “Kansas’s Road to the 2010 Final Four”? I didn’t think so. Reevaluate the groups you have joined.
- Is your LinkedIn page linked to your Twitter page? Is your Twitter page tweeting on your Facebook page? Is your Facebook page facing your LinkedIn page? You get the idea.
- Is your blog roll up to date? You don’t want a track back to a blog that hasn’t posted anything since last spring.
- Check out the groups, lists and associations your colleagues and clients have recently joined. It might be time to expand your horizons.
- Finally, why are you waiting until spring to do all this? I mean, shouldn’t you be busy cleaning out the hall closet? Instead, make this check list part of your regular routine and enjoy the spring weather.
– Chuck Brown