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Locking Down Key Online Real Estate

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Online professional brands are incredibly important assets that you need to control. As the baseball playoffs continue today, fans will… Read More

Locking Down Key Online Real Estate

Lessons from Netflix’s Summer of Discontent

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It hasn’t been a blockbuster summer for Netflix. First, they raised prices, and now they are causing great ire by deciding to split their DVD business from their streaming business. Netflix’s moves have caused more than a million defections, tremendous scorn in social media channels and a slumping stock price. What can a professional services firm learn from Netflix’s miscues? Plenty.

Lessons from Netflix’s Summer of Discontent

Avoid “Situations” by Taking an Active Role in Brand Management

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While for most companies there is not such an overt association with a questionable character, very real brand and reputational management — ahem — situations exists. Simply put, your reputation and brand are far too critical to not actively monitor and manage.

Avoid “Situations” by Taking an Active Role in Brand Management

Protect Your Brand – Use Caution When Jumping on the Royal Wedding Media Bandwagon

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Remember, the point of conducting a public relations campaign is to reinforce your brand. For example, how does a press release announcing a new law firm partner serve the brand when it appears on a Royal Wedding News website? Better examples include law firms focusing on pre-nuptial agreements, issues for workers on a national holiday and the licensing of wedding merchandise.

Protect Your Brand – Use Caution When Jumping on the Royal Wedding Media Bandwagon