Takeaways for Professional Services Providers… 2024, another year in the books. As is the annual tradition, we’ve taken some time… Read More

Traci Stuart
Helping Professionals Break Through the Noise
Adept at helping clients to break through the noise, Traci brings more than 30 years of public relations and marketing communications experience to showcase professionals as experts in their fields.
As the top executive at Blattel Communications, Traci Stuart leads firm strategy and operations and directs high-level account strategy, planning and project management, as well as providing crisis communications and litigation support. Collaborating with agency founder Ellen Blattel on agency leadership for 25 years, Traci assumed the role of president in 2010, facilitating Ellen’s eventual retirement and the agency’s continued evolution.
Traci uses her deep communications experience in print, broadcast and electronic formats to guide professional services clients in industries including law, architecture, construction and real estate, accounting, insurance, human resources and general consulting.
Starting With “Why”
With each engagement, Traci seeks to understand the underlying “why” for her client’s story to ensure it reaches the right audiences through the right platforms by connecting their thought leadership and expertise to current trends. Combining a commitment to exceptional client care with immersion in the industries and trends where our clients engage, her media savvy and industry-wide perspective have resulted in a long track record of success. Through her work, clients have appeared in media outlets and programs ranging from The Wall Street Journal and Good Morning America to deep trade outlets and emerging digital formats. She’s also helped clients effectively stay out of the limelight when that’s the goal.
Professional Activities
Traci has presented on a range of public relations, marketing and crisis communications topics to both private groups and professional organizations, including the American Bar Association, Public Relations Society of America, Bar Association of San Francisco, State Bar of California, Practising Law Institute, and the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) among others. She served two terms on the Legal Marketing Association’s (LMA) international board of directors, as well as in numerous roles in the Association’s local and regional organizations. She has also long been a member of the Public Relations Society of America.