In recent months, a few news items have stood out as noteworthy, as they are emblematic of the shifting media landscape:
- HBO to offer a stand-alone streaming service.
- CBS to offer a stand-alone streaming service.
- Resurgence in the popularity of podcasts, punctuated by the popular program Serial.
- Facebook continues to reshape how consumers get their news.
So what does it all mean?
- The cable “bundle” is under attack.
- The traditional over-the-air broadcast model faces threats as well.
- While audio programing, and even long-form storytelling, remains viable, traditional programmed broadcast radio remains under pressure.
- Mobile and social are king and the new “editors” are tech programmers. The physical print product is quickly becoming the ever-changing “feed.”
OK, but what does it mean for professional services companies?
- Traditional ecosystems and gatekeepers are no longer sacrosanct.
- Traditional content consumed by new technologies is still content consumed.
- Wield the tools of the Internet. The printing press and the radio tower are on your desktop and in your pocket.
- Get social and get mobile. Happily, the two go together.
Here are some potential, forward-thinking resolutions:
- Don’t get hung up on, “Did we make the print edition?” (or be disappointed when you didn’t.)
- Stop qualifying online media mentions.
- “John Smith on The Wall Street Journal website” – NO
- “John Smith on The Wall Street Journal” – YES
- Leverage social media. Focus on publishing content on well-trafficked outlets and use company-level accounts to amplify impact.
By being aware and forward-thinking about target audiences’ content consumption, one can evolve with the times and maximize exposure.